5 ways to keep energy levels high throughout the day

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Do you find yourself struggling to stay up and active come lunch time? You’ve been experiencing the afternoon slump! If having a siesta is off the books, here are 5 ways you can keep yourself energized throughout the day.

Break the fast!

How you start off your morning will determine the outcome of your day. By eating a nutritious breakfast, you’ll be kick-starting your metabolism and loading your system with plenty of energy to get through the day. Fuel yourself with some cinnamon oatmeal or a smoothie to get running!

Take a walk

When your eyes start getting heavy, engage in a 10 minute walk. Scientific evidence shows that a 10 minute activity can keep you energized for the following 2 hours. Start off your day with a stroll or a bike ride in order to pump up your system for the remainder of the day.

Detox your body

Your afternoon slump might be attributed to the toxins in your body. If you wish to heighten your energy levels, get detoxing! For more information about detoxing check out one of our latest blog posts!

Try the paleo diet

Your diet may be the culprit behind your exhaustion. If you’re looking for a change in lifestyle, why not try out the paleo diet? This meal plan follows the notion of eating food that compliments your genetics.Check out what the paleo diet is all about!

Gluco Bate 60’s tablets

If you’re happy with your diet and activity level, try out Gluco Bate 60’s tablets for an extra help. These tablets have been specially formulated using the most beneficial nutrients and herbal extracts to help support your metabolism and energy levels.
