7 easy cardio exercises everyone can do

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As much as we hate cardio – we’re afraid to admit it’s an integral part of getting healthy. Cardiovascular exercise has great misconceptions based around it, though. Firstly, people think it’s dreadfully tiring and secondly, people believe it requires running and sweating. Here’s the truth; cardio simply requires you to pump your heart rate up. How you do it, is up to you. But here are 7 easy cardio exercises everyone can do!


Who said cardio can’t be fun!? Sign up to a samba lesson, dance away to your favourite song or simply play along to Just Dance. The calories will start stripping down you as you go along.

Jumping jacks 

You may think you’re not able to do these, but all this exercise requires is some coordination. All you have to do is stand with your feet together and your hands down by your sides. Jump your feet out to the side and raise your arms above your head. Reverse this motion and repeat.


We know, you’re not all fans of lunges. They can get incredibly tiring at times and they’ll require great endurance but they don’t require any jumping or sweating, isn’t that a good enough trade off? Keep your upper body straight, step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Keep the weight in your heels as you push back up to the starting position. Repeat with alternating legs.

Mountain climbers 

Time to embark on to an adventure, we’re going mountain climbing! Fear not, we’re not suggesting you hang yourself off a cliff but rather that you do some mountain climbers. Adopt plank position, bring one leg forward until the knee is approximately under the hip. This will be your starting position. Reverse the positions of your legs. Repeat in an alternating fashion.


We may not have any ice rinks to skate in in Malta but we all know the skaters don’t resemble even closely skating. Nonetheless, we know they’re beneficial. Start in a small squat. Jump sideways landing on your leg. Bring your opposite leg behind you without letting it touch the floor. Reverse direction.


Don’t worry; you don’t need to know how to ride a bicycle for this exercise. This simple exercise can be easily performed on a stationary bike in the comfort of your own home. That’s right. You can lose weight while sitting down. Sign up for an indoor spinning class to receive the motivation you require.


Swimming burns loads of calories and it’s fun! Sign up for an indoor pool membership or take advantage of next summer. Whatever you do, remember that floating in the same place won’t do much for you. Swim some laps for the desired effect!

That’s a relief now, isn’t it? No more running in the sun for hours on end, hoping you’ll lose some inches. Turns out dancing to your favourite song will do too! Let us know what you’re favourite type of cardio is in the comment section below!
